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SOCS Training: Co-curricular (Welcome)

Target Audience:  Staff (Main User) 

Welcome to SOCS Co-curricular Training!

We're delighted you've decided to use SOCS Co-curricular and are looking forward to delivering your training. We're here to make this experience as straightforward as possible. Click the link to find out more about the Training and Support team.

Confirmation and Starting Off

Once you've been nominated as the main user, our dedicated SOCS Support team will send you an email confirming that your school is set up for SOCS Co-curricular. This email is your green light to get started.

We strongly recommend starting with a 'Training Welcome' session. This session will help you tailor your SOCS implementation plan and ensure you've scheduled the right training sessions for the right people at the right time. It also helps the SOCS training team understand your school's needs and goals, ensuring your training is spot-on.

Booking your Training

Simply visit our booking website (find the links below). Here, you can check availability and book your first training session.

Who we Train

Typically, we train a member of your leadership team, teachers in charge, or dedicated admin staff. These individuals or small group will serve as your SOCS Co-curricular champions, setting up everything for your wider staff, pupils and parents. They'll also be your in-house SOCS experts, offering training as needed. Most users require minimal or no training. We've got that covered.

Important Note

We believe in thorough onboarding, so rest assured, training is already included. However, if you want to delve deeper into SOCS, you can request additional training.

Visit SOCS Training: Additional Sessions for all the details, including costs and how to proceed.

 Available Training Sessions 

SOCS Training Bookings: Welcome (30 minutes)

The earliest session you can book is in three day's time; you can book six weeks ahead (subject to availability)

SOCS Training Bookings: Co-curricular (1 hour)

The earliest session you can book is in a week's time; you can book six weeks ahead (subject to availability)

The link to the Microsoft Teams meeting can be shared with other staff you want to attend (this will be included in the training booking confirmation email)

Customisation and Resources

While our SOCS Help & Support system is available, many schools prefer to create their own resources to guide staff, pupils and parents on how and when to use SOCS. We have also put together a simple guide for launching SOCS for you to use as you wish:

Launching SOCS to your School Community

... and Finally

Keep in mind that setting up the system may take some time, depending on factors like your school's size, project complexity and available resources. With your newfound SOCS skills, you'll be up and running smoothly in no time.

Once again, welcome to the SOCS community. We're excited to embark on this journey with you!


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