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Help Topics / Co-curricular: Setting Up
Switching On, Setting Up and Maintaining your Activities

NOTE: Only SOCS co-curricular main account holders can setup and maintain activities. More information about Main account holders can be found here >>>

From the SOCS home page click the SOCS Co-Curricular button.

Switch on Activities for the Current Term

Click the “Activites- Master List” button on the bottom of the left hand menu. This shows the master list of activities available at the school.  From here you can switch activities on or off for the current term. Click on a category to expand it, and then toggle the activites on/off. Anything that you switch on in here will become available in the Active Activities section.

Adding a New Category and Adding a New Activity

To add a new category click the Add Category button.  Care should be taken when adding new categories.  To add a new activity click the Add a new Activity/Club button (see screenshot below). Once an activity has been added the details can be edited - see the Editing An Activity details below.

Scheduling, setting the rules and adding pupils and staff to clubs

Once you have switched on the activies for the current term, you are ready to set them up. Click on Active Activites in the left hand menu, then expand the categories by clicking on them.

Each activity has three “Editor” buttons (see screenshot below). These are:

  1. Edit Details – name, cost, min/max pupils etc. This is where you can set up the club rules that will inform the online sign up for this club.
  2. Edit Timetable & Events – you can add single or recurring events.
  3. Edit Pupils and Staff – add/remove pupils and staff from the activity club.

Moving Activities

When you edit an activity you can move it to a different category if needed.

Return to Activities List

Once all of your activities are switched on for the current term click the “Back to Activities List”  button at the top of the listing.

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